Description: The streamcrossings layer was created by intersecting mapped streams and roads. Streamcrossing types can include bridges or culverts. This layer is updated through fish passage culvert Level A surveys. The Level A data are used to evaluate whether the streamcrossing is a fish barrier, and help in prioritization of fish barrier removal.
Service Item Id: 75a2068a501e46d89edce27325d89fde
Copyright Text: Snohomish County Surface Water Management
Description: The streamcrossings layer was created by intersecting mapped streams and roads. Streamcrossing types can include bridges or culverts. This layer is updated through fish passage culvert Level A surveys. The Level A data are used to evaluate whether the streamcrossing is a fish barrier, and help in prioritization of fish barrier removal.
Service Item Id: 75a2068a501e46d89edce27325d89fde
Copyright Text: Snohomish County Surface Water Management
Description: The streamcrossings layer was created by intersecting mapped streams and roads. Streamcrossing types can include bridges or culverts. This layer is updated through fish passage culvert Level A surveys. The Level A data are used to evaluate whether the streamcrossing is a fish barrier, and help in prioritization of fish barrier removal.
Service Item Id: 75a2068a501e46d89edce27325d89fde
Copyright Text: Snohomish County Surface Water Management
Description: The streamcrossings layer was created by intersecting mapped streams and roads. Streamcrossing types can include bridges or culverts. This layer is updated through fish passage culvert Level A surveys. The Level A data are used to evaluate whether the streamcrossing is a fish barrier, and help in prioritization of fish barrier removal.
Service Item Id: 75a2068a501e46d89edce27325d89fde
Copyright Text: Snohomish County Surface Water Management