ArcGIS REST Services Directory Login

Legend (drainage/NPDES_Public_Webmap)

Outfall (i) (0)
Discharge Point (i) (1)
Stormwater Treatment Flow Control Facilities (iii) (2)
Existing Tributary Conveyances to Outfalls and Discharges (v, viii) (3)
Connections between MS4 and other Public Entities (vi) (4)
Connections from Private Facilities to MS4 (vii) (5)
Connections from MS4 to Private Facilities (ix) (13)
Receiving Waterbodies other than Groundwater (ii) (flow path) (6)
Receiving Waterbodies other than Groundwater (ii) (area) (7)
Snohomish County Responsible Area (MS4) (8)
City Limits (9)
Rural Municipalities and Urban Growth Area (11)
Urban Higher Density Rural Subbasins (12)